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This course covers all the main aspects of the Python 3 programming language that you need to use in your daily practice. It is aimed at the beginners in Python, but the participants must be familiar with programming in general or with other programming languages.

The course spans 5 whole days. It contains theory, examples and lots of practice.


Day 1

  1. Hello, World!
  2. Variables
  3. Numbers
  4. Hex etc.
  5. Decimal
  6. Fraction
  7. Casting
  8. Strings
  9. Input
  10. String methods
  11. Format
  12. Slice
  13. Lists
  14. Arrays
  15. Dictionaries
  16. Tuples
  17. Sets
  18. Operators
  19. Booleans
  20. Control flow
  21. while
  22. Functions
  23. Functions and lists
  24. if
  25. Test: factorial

Day 2

  1. Classes
  2. Class hierarchy
  3. Attributes and access
  4. Multiple inheritance
  5. MRO
  6. Polymorphism
  7. Redefine operators
  8. Class external functions
  9. Class methods
  10. Class data
  11. Instance — count
  12. Exceptions
  13. raise
  14. exception

Day 3

  1. Test: sin
  2. Comprehensions
  3. Files
  4. with
  5. Reading from files
  6. open
  7. File attributes
  8. seek
  9. Stream
  10. Format
  11. import
  12. usemodule
  13. sys
  14. string
  15. os
  16. pickle
  17. CSV
  18. Keys-values
  19. Write a CSV file

Day 4

  1. for
  2. Quote
  3. Underscore
  4. Bitwise things
  5. in
  6. time
  7. re
  8. Digits
  9. def
  10. Generic functions
  11. Generators
  12. yield
  13. Lambdas
  14. del
  15. finally
  16. Again for
  17. Filter
  18. Frozen set
  19. is
  20. Abou return
  21. Symbols
  22. Shift left and right

Day 5

  1. Time measuring
  2. Decorators
  3. More on time
  4. urllib
  5. request
  6. requests
  7. pip
  8. TDD
  9. Test: factorial
  10. More tests

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