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This course covers all the main aspects of the C++ programming language that you need to use in your daily practice. It is aimed at the beginners in C++, but the participants must be familiar with programming in general or with other programming languages.
The course spans 5 whole days. It contains theory, examples and lots of practice.
Day 1
Variables and types Identifiers Fundamental data types Declaration of variables Initialization of variables * Type deduction: auto and decltype Introduction to strings Constants Literals Integer Numerals Floating Point Numerals Character and string literals Other literals (null, true, false, nullptr) Typed constant expressions Operators Assignment operator (=) Arithmetic operators ( +, -, *, /, % ) Compound assignment (+=, etc.) Increment and decrement Relational and comparison operators Logical operators (!, &&, ||) Conditional ternary operator Comma operator Bitwise operators (&, |, ^, ~, <<, >>) Explicit type casting operator sizeof Precedence of operators Basic Input/Output cout, cin cerr, clog cin and strings * stringstream Statements and flow control Selection statements: if and else Iteration statements (loops) The while loop The do-while loop The for loop * Range-based for loop Jump statements break continue goto switch Arrays Accessing the values of an array Multidimensional arrays * Arrays as parameters Character sequences Initialization of null-terminated character sequences Strings and null-terminated character sequences
Day 2
Associativity left-to-right (-) right-to-left (=) = and bool Ternary operator Enums declare enums start with non-1 scoped and unscoped enums enum : type (C++11) Functions signature return void The return value of main Arguments passed by value and by reference const references Inline functions Default values in parameters More than one arguments static variables functions with no arguments f(void) main(int argc, char* argv[]) arguments Recursive functions Compiling and linking * Declaring functions and *.h function prototypes compile multiple files link object libraries * inline and optimization (-S -O3) name-mangling Overloads and templates Overloaded functions * Function templates * auto and nullptr Name visibility Scopes Namespaces using Namespace aliasing The std namespace Global variables (static storage) * Pointers Address-of operator (&) Dereference operator (*) Declaring pointers Pointers and arrays Pointer arithmetics * Pointers and const Pointers and string literals Pointers to pointers void pointers Pointers to functions Dynamic memory int *p = new int[5]; delete[] p; C strings input/output <stdio.h> printf int puts ( const char * str ); putchar(c) int getchar ( void ); char * gets ( char * str ); operations with strings <string.h> <cstring> int strcmp ( const char * str1, const char * str2 ); char * strcat ( char * destination, const char * source ); char * strcpy ( char * destination, const char * source );
Day 3
Flashback itoa => sprintf (80.cpp) Structs Structs unions access using pointers pointers to structures (->) initializing struct fields struct and variable at one go anonymous struct array of structs Classes class definitions create objects T t; //T t(); T t = T(); data members member functions double getVolume(void);// scope (resolution) operator :: out-of-line definitions get/set values access modifiers public private protected class vs struct constructor T::T() default constructor Parameterized Constructor Default is not created Initialization Lists delegating constructors (C++11) destructor no void, no return copy constructor T(const T&) // cannot take T but can T& example: class with char* friend functions friend classes friends are not members (-S) inline functions this T * const this = ¤t_obj this->arg vs arg ext_f(this) Pointer to classes static members static data member counter with [] (031.cpp) static functions call as C::f() const member functions intreface and implementation (.h) static data members
Day 4
inheritance base, derived classes type of inheritance access control multiple inheritance overloading operators (034.cpp) unary (-, ++, --, !) binary (+, -) relational (<, ==, etc.) assignment (=) function call () subscripting [] member access -> polymorphism virtual functions // shape abstract classes (interfaces) Templates STL Containers array (037.cpp) fixed size, not expandable size() operator[] at() iterating using range-based for loop vector (038.cpp) push_back size empty capacity max_size resize pop_back clear deque push_back push_front pair <utility> first, second Iterators list list<int>::iterator const_reverse_iterator rbegin rend
Day 5
Algorithms find isert in vector (042.cpp) delete sort as member of container (list.sort, 043.cpp) as std::sort(begin, begin+4) min_element, max_element Container adaptors queue push front back (not end) pop stack push top pop priority queue (046.cpp) top pop Associative containers set insert erase find map iter->first, iter->second <string> iterators (and rbegin, begin, end, rend) auto instead of iterators for (auto x : s) size, length [], at +, += c_str find, string::npos <iomanip> setw setfill setbase setprecision > exersise: print table hex setiosflags/resetiosflags (std::ios::showbase | std::ios::uppercase); <sstream> << str(), c_str() >> ifstream http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/ios/ open close char c = f.get() eof getline(f, s) ofstream ofstream::out, ofstream::app *input/output (<<, >>) overloading for classes ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, C& c) <typeinfo> typeid(...).name() exceptions try/throw/catch throw int, throw string catch(...) <exception>, virtual const char* what() const throw() bad_alloc catch divide by zero Misc cstdlib vs stdlib.h ellipsis ... and cstdarg va_list, va_start, va_arg, va_end typedef namespace {} namespace alias delete vs delete[] Linking extern variables extern "C" call C function from C++ No overloading in C call C++ function from C wrapper for overloaded functions static libraris -c dynamic libraries -shared libtest.so -L. -ltest ar crv libtest.a nm fortran linking name_ args by ref link with gfortran
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